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YOU ARE AMAZING!! Thank you so much for taking the time to sit with me today. I feel lighter and better about myself. You have a beautiful gift xoxo The change in me is profound. I feel much more settled and accepting. Less panicked and more relaxed. You are amazing x


20+ years ago you were my teacher, I your student but you were also a friend. Those years I remember like they were yesterday albeit some memories are slightly blurred. 

Today you again have been a teacher and I your student but this time round teachings of a different kind.


Words can not express what you have exposed me to, I have gone through what you have shown me and recalled things I blocked from my mind. 

You are a truly beautiful soul, amazing lady and again someone who has yet again taught me well. 

Thank you lovely lady no words can describe what has occurred today.

To you I send you love, good wishes and blessings



WOW just WOW .

Almost in tears here as you have explained my little one with out seeing her, in one message.

I will definately follow what you have said and look to our routine and parenting to shake things up a little and help improve things for her.

Still WOW.

Thank you so much.


My wife and I can’t thank you enough for the healing session you have done on us both. We were sceptical at first but were pleasantly surprised by how welcoming you and Tony both were. You put us at easy from the minute we walked into your home.


Fiona was spot by all the negative energy that was in our bodies and the time of events throughout our lives. Fiona was compassionate and understanding when it came to bringing up painful memories. My wife normally doesn’t trust many people very easily but she found instant comfort and trust in Fiona which is unusual for Actavia. Fiona was able to dig out all the negative energy inside me that i have been holding onto for so long that i have never been able to get rid of. I am not more positive towards life and more confident within myself which is a strange feeling that I have never had before. Fiona has truly brought peace and harmony in our family. We are also alot closer as our family and have a more positive outlook on life.


I have just finished the Live Your Truth 1:! with Fiona Van Lochem. It's been an amazing journey finding out so much about myself, the way things have made me who I am and hindered me from growing. Thank you for the eye opening journey making me feel so much better within myself. Highly recommend LIVE.YOUR.TRUTH to anyone, the journey is amazing. Thank you so much


I recently had a treatment conducted by Fiona called RTT, "WOW" I was blown away with what I had to uncover. Fiona took me back to what I was hiding deep down, things I didn't know was stopping me from growing and achieving what I want. So we unleashed the fear and loneliness and found that it was holding me back from my wants in life.
When we came to the end, I felt I had been on a trip and all refreshed.
The recording I got is so affective, it's implanted into my brain and still here it as I know that's what I want is going to happen.
My fears are no longer and I know that I won't be left alone anymore!!
I cannot Thankyou enough Fiona for your help xxx
I highly recommend Fiona for any of her methods of treatments, as she has many talents.


I have been with Fiona on this wonderful journey I truly believe if you are thinking of changing anything in your life I encourage you to give Fiona Van Lochem a go. She is a wonderful coach, she is with you 100% along your journey. I highly recommend this lady. Thankyou so much Fiona.


If you are local to the Gippsland area... or even not, go and see this amazing lady!! She will change your life and you won't regret it!! Just amazing and beautiful inside and out!! Plus AMAZING at what she does!! X Yep that's lots of AMAZINGS!!


 I did a RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) session with Fiona Van Lochem.
Although I went there with the intention of quitting smoking, what I got back from the session was so much more.
Fiona is so gentle and encouraging as she guides you into your subconcious. She helped me to understand the deeper reasons for my habit and empowered me to make the right changes in my thought patterns towards myself, to help me change my life. 
Every day I am feeling stronger and loving myself enough to kick the habit. 
She gives you a recording to help you long after you leave the session, and it has been great. Like having a cheerleader in your phone ready to encourage you to take on the world at any moment. 
I absolutely love it. 
Becoming the true, happy you, is so much easier when you have the right support


It only takes one session with Fiona to know that you are in the caring hands of not only

a deeply intuitive and gifted healer, but also a compassionate and loving human being.

Fiona is here as a guiding Light to illuminate the areas in our lives we need to clear and

she will go the extra mile to ensure you feel deeply supported in whatever you may 

challenged with. Butterflies have always been my guardians in life and they

led me to the wonderful Fiona of Butterflylane! 


Getting divorced unexpectedly and becoming an unemployed single Mother is stressful. Having to redefine my life purpose has resulted in me feeling overwhelmed and anxious, so much that it was impacting on my quality of life.
I don’t believe in a ‘quick fix’. I wasn’t convinced that something that sounded so easy could possibly help with all the big feelings I was experiencing. But it did. Immediately. Completely.
Straight away I felt calm, present and serene. The shrill thoughts that had been buzzing around in my brain were silent giving me peace and space – imagine the relief you feel when a staticy radio has been tuned in. Imagine too what you can now do with such a calm brain – I’ve been much more productive and efficient. I have more energy because I am not using it to ‘fight’ with my brain. I am optimistic and know I will find a good life purpose. xo


A week ago today you changed my life.
I came to you wanting help in losing weight I've tried so many times and failed.
This time i wanted it to stick so i came to you first before i started any diets or gym.
I wanted to try your new thearpy ( Rapid Transformational Therapy) 
Boy was i shocked not only do i understand why i over eat you have helped me change my attitude towards food.
I have stopped eating unhealthy foods and now i eat when I'm hungry.
I drink water now as my favorite drink.
I've lost 2kgs in the first week i truly believe the first kg was emotional feeling i had left over.
You are a god sent to me and so many others i would highly recommend you to anyone .
I listen to your records every night.
The bouns is my family has seen the biggest difference in me.
Thank you Fiona Van Lochem from me and my family.


Dear Fiona,I can hardly believe the outstanding results I’ve experienced after a single RTT session with you. After the session, the constant background pain I had been experiencing (since 2001!) from an autoimmune condition, Interstitial Cystitis, simply vanished, and the symptoms have continued to reduce. This is a result not achieved in 16 years of expert medical treatment and countless alternative therapies. RTT and your skills as a practitioner are truly remarkable. Thank you. Leila


At surface level it was lovely to have the mental clarity and immediate emotional response, it felt like a cleanse to have a good cry with Fiona when issues and feelings resurfaced. It’s now been several months since my session and the seeds planted that day have certainly been taking root and are now reseeding. 

I came to Fiona about some general but ongoing concerns, but these stemmed from a sudden lifestyle change and a loss of independence and general feeling of hopelessness that this could change. 

I’ve now been able to move forward and am feeling like I have freedoms and responsibilities to myself rather than expectations of others, and whilst it is not a ‘healed’ situation, the progress over the last few months has been incredible.

Thank you for helping me move forward Fiona- I know this is definitely not the last session of RTT I will be having, the changes are subtle shifts but this is exactly the pace i needed to be able to make incremental changes, which when added all together of these last few months, have meant huge shifts mentally and as a result physically to an environment that is one where I am feeling so much more in control and where i am starting to feel more like myself.

Thankyou and see you again soon.


This beautiful woman has been one of my closest confidants and voice of sound reason and advice through many seasons in my life - and now she is using her natural gifts to help and heal others. Can not recommend her highly enough, after one conversation you will feel as though you have made a friend for life. I know I have.


“If you are trully wanting to make changes that will move you to extraordinary I would highly recommend visiting Fiona. Several years ago I have suffered a nervous breakdown which left me with fear, anxiety, confusion and unexplained aches and pains. I have heard of Rapid Transformational Therapy through through Ted Talks and wanted to give it a try. Honestly, the best choice I have made for me!!! Fiona took me back to revisit events that have led to my nervous breakdown and I went all the way to childhood recalling things I have never thought about. Connecting those events to my current feelings and experiences was simply extraordinary. 
I have found my purpose after the session. I have become motivated again, calm, happy, confident and honestly... i actually love myself. If you ever wanted to give it a try just go ahead and do it. I was a sceptic long time ago, then I became unwell which made me spend two years researching the way brain works. There is no magic to this, it is actually science. Reviring your brain to be in its optimal state is so simple and I am so grateful I visited Fiona to help me find my purpose and become best version of myself. “


I want to thank Fiona for my RTT session it has been a while since I had it. For me it's been a slow burn from the inside out . At first when listening to my meditation I was angry , slowly though I started to believe. I have hit bumps and fears along the way. Finally I resigned from my job to under take my Diploma in Nursing the job I have dreamt of doing for over 25 years now. I had so many road blocks to smash down. Fiona you have pushed me through all this thank you so much


A recent client who came for alcohol addiction had tried everything to overcome it, doing the 12 step program, spending time in a rehabilitation facility overseas. Nothing worked. They were even told that they would always be an alcoholic. This client didn't believe that anything would help. Such is the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy:

"Something is changing: I'm not sure what yet but something deep inside is shifting.I believe that this will work (WOW). The urgency of the craving is reducing (it doesn't feel like it is strangling me around the neck anymore and that I am now having a bit of space to move and think before reacting. I am really incorporating the fact that I can "choose" all the things that I think/do/put into my body: this is something that I have never felt before: and boy does it make me feel so much lighter and freer: in the past I have lived in the realm of "I have no choice over anything" I am feeling more grateful rather than angry and hateful towards the circumstances of my life...awesome shift :) So all in all I am feeling so much lighter, calmer and hopeful."


The heavy, bruised feeling just lifted last night. I sat with it and let it be, honouring what I needed to feel. 
I'm having all sorts of epiphanies, one of them: I've not valued the administrative aspects of the caring role I have. Now I see that it's valuable work, part of my life's purpose, and I'll be serving everyone better by yielding to the process and accepting the time and energy it takes. 
I'm feeling that sense of worthiness bubbling up from the depths, and it's becoming more and more apparent just how much that's held me back. 
Lots and lots of stuff!
The recording is brilliant, as are the affirmations which I've transcribed onto post-it notes and stuck all over the house. And, cleverly, serendipitously, my daughter is interested because she thinks they're just helping me and aren't pointed at her. 
I'm feeling really blessed to have had the experience with you, Fiona. You're so attuned, and I can already see that the session with you will be life changing for me. Thank you, Nic


I'd like to give you some feedback on my progress following my Emotion/Body code session.


It's been over a month now and I can't remember when I last felt this good; it has to be at least 20 years. I feel so calm and peacefull, I seem to have more patience and I feel more compationate ......... dare I say loving. Maybe it has something to do with the dismantling of the heart wall.


For the past 35 years I have had cronic pain in my right upper arm and I have always thought that it was the price that I was paying for a very active sporting life and well, being a boy, you know, falling off motor bikes and doing dumb things. I was always in pain and I could not sleep on my right side. Also, my posture was affected so much that I had a noticable lean to the right and I was taking pain killers regularly.


Well, the pain is gone .... completely gone, and I feel like a new man. I have been back in training for a month and I have today completed a training session including a run, various weights, chin ups, sit ups and push ups (250 push ups) etc. and there is NO PAIN. It's a strange but wonderful feeling after living in pain for so long and all af my friends and family have noticed.


I have referred some people to you and one of them has had a session with you for great results.


Thanks Fiona, I'm looking forward to other sessions with you in the future.


Attending the RTT session with Fiona was eye opening and life changing for me.
I was absolutely desperate to find a way out of my dark hole I had found myself in.
Then during the session with Fiona I got to discover the root cause of a couple of big issues i had experienced too many times during my life. That was the beginning of the end of a few bad habit cycles for me. 
They were:
- attracting the wrong relationships,
- having and unhealthy relationship with food
- not feeling good enough

Since the session I have followed through with everything Fiona asked me to do... all of which are easy and hardly time consuming at all.
As a result I have been able to transform all three areas of my life. 
It is literally like having daily therapy one on one for 21 days but without the hassle. You can even fall asleep doing it and it still works! 
Thanks Fiona it’s fab stuff x


Fiona has fantastic to work with, she spent a lot of time talking to me prior to and followed up in the weeks following our session. Fiona provided great strategies to move through some blockages, was patient and very skilled at making me feel relaxed during our session. I love that I received a copy of our session and have listened to it regularly. I have experienced a lot of shift in the areas that I felt were holding me back and have been able to open up other areas since that I may not have otherwise thought of. I highly recommend Fiona to work with.
Thank you Fiona


Fiona, you have helped me so much I don't feel I can truly thankyou enough. My life has always been doubt and second guessing. Not feeling worthy, being afraid to speak up and open to being walked over. But things are changing! Actually changing! A confidence I forgot is returning and a control on MY life. The persistent fear of life is weakening 😄. I have been able to express my feelings in awkward sitiuations without hesitation and bounce off the controls of others words and actions.  And one of the most wonderful things to come from my RTT, was the ability to show my partner that yep, I get sad sometimes too and allow myself to receive support instead of pretending I'm fine. As time continues I see more and more little things change that equal to a better me. A better existence. Life. So thankyou xo Katherine 


I experienced more change, healing and understanding with just one RTT session with you than I had with 12 sessions with a psychologist over the past 12 months. The biggest difference that I can comprehend is that, regardless of how much I could logically understand my behaviours and experiences, simply understanding and/or trying to create new behaviours with that logical reasoning was not creating change because the subconscious was holding onto its programming and not being involved in a traditional psychology session.


I have experienced many changes since the RTT session. As previously mentioned, I no longer experience the constant state of anxiety that previously presented as a tightness in my chest and overactive, overanalyzing monkey mind. It used to act as a heightened baseline that gave the smallest of triggers leverage to bounce off. That disappeared the night of the RTT session and has felt like such a huge weight has lifted. In turn, my body and muscles relaxed from, what I can only imagine was, its constant defensive stance, particularly in my shoulders.


I am much more present within each moment – I still have work to do on this aspect but have advanced a huge amount from where I was previously. I am also much more patient and not easily frustrated like I had been. I am much clearer minded and calmer when dealing with matters that could involve conflict. Previously, my body would kick into a defensive mode complete with adrenaline rush and sometimes shaking. 


I am very aware of when these old habits try to creep back in as they no longer are the constant or majority feelings so stand out when they do reappear.


My laugh is different too! Its hard to explain but I guess you’d call it heartier. I’m more in the moment and without the anxiety so I can experience the laughter better.


"I wish to sing my highest praises and give my full recommendation for Fiona at Butterfly Lane.


I have been helped in ways I never thought could be achieved and this is only two weeks into treatment.


I have been diagnosed with Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and have been advised by psychiatrists that there was no real cure or treatment, just medication to help manage it, Fiona and her techniques in reaching subconscious awareness and teaching me to gently re wire my brain and change my thought processes has proven the SHRINKS wrong!!! 


Having served in the Police Force for 13 years and being attached to high risk units has caused a severe psychological injury. I worked in crash investigation, investigating fatal car and truck collisions, plain clothes and undercover work and riot squad. I also worked in gaols statewide and had to take DNA samples by force with the most violent scum of the earth breathing on our beautiful planet. 


I have been stabbed, hit with an iron bar that opened a big gash in my mouth exposing teeth, had half an ear bitten off and thrown through back window of moving bus, not to mention having to deliver death messages and attend suicides, seen children murdered and failing to resuscitate a girl my daughter’s age after hanging herself and witnessing here pulse stop despite giving it everything I had to bring her back to life.


In short my brain was flogged out, my body was always on high alert, producing too much adrenalin which caused my heart to go hay wire and stop on dozens of occasions.


During my service and since leaving the Police, my life was neer the same. I was always the first to jump in and help people at risk and my well being was something I learnt not to consider.....just defend myself and attack until the threat was neutralised. 


Recurrent dreams of watching my own autopsy, being outnumbered in ding dong fights and the list goes on. I was leading a life of stupid risks to feed my problem with Adrenalin. Riding big waves with consequence, snow skiing at ridiculous speeds, driving fast cars flat out in the middle of the night was how I burnt off the excess adrenalin my body produced.


I knew that despite the many serious injuries I have bounced back from from the activities I chose and the positions I put myself in, sooner or later, my number would be up. Not what I wanted but kept repeating the same stupidity chasing the rush.


I started getting many signs from my deceased father to wake up to myself. I very wise bloke I met on the beach and talked a lot to him about life suggested I ring Fiona. I did and my life has been radically changed and I am sure with religious application to her teachings it will become more calmer and even more clearer. 


I am now calm and the horrific nightmares have stopped just like turning off a light switch, nothing short of bloody amazing and I still can’t believe the relief and the renewed zest for life I now enjoy. 


I recommend anyone with any problems to give her a try. If you are open and honestly need help, she is awesome!!!!"


 I had been seeing beautiful testimonials and posts about Fiona's work and had thought that it would be lovely to work with her... and it was! 

Fiona pin pointed several parts of my emotional baggage suitcase that seriously needed to be lost at the airport :) She offered up ways for me to work with my energy to help me shake off the excess that I seriously don't need, and easy things that I can include into every day that are going to help keep me balanced (no more sitting on that suitcase to shove everything in!). I've always preferred travelling light <3 

I'm full of analogies today. lol 

If you have thought about being more conscious of your own energy, clearing out some old and making space for lovely new, then working with Fiona will be a ray of beautiful dancing sunshine.


My session was booked with Fiona by my mother. I have been diagnosed with multiple mental diseases and have been working on them improving my wellbeing for years.I had to drop out of school and halt any education or career to focus on my health. My goals with my session with Fiona were to complete work experience and get my learner's license. I achieved both of these without stressing over them. In the past I always stressed over what I had to do.

Overall the experience was great in helping me let go. I felt really different after the session but I slowly became more relaxed and have given up addictions (to coffee), and progressing faster than ever before. Thanks Fiona :)


“Things have changed significantly for me since my RTT session. I have been listening to recording ever night (almost know it off by heart lol) when I look at the list of emotions, it's now hard to believe I actually felt like that. I'm more in control of interactions at work, i feel empowered and I'm not as anxious overall. I'm about to board a flight so that will be the big test. Thanks once again. It has been really fantastic.” Jill


Since moving to the US 18 days ago, I've manifested 2 courses that will set me up for the rest of my life. That sounds dramatic but it's really true. I'll be spending this year digging deep on all things money and ethical empire building.

I've also called in a co-working partner and an energy healer.

I'm sleeping through the night regularly and uninterrupted for the first time in years.

I'm exercising every day, my shoulder injury is finally healing and I've lost 4kg (8 pounds).

I'm absolutely overflowing with ideas and creative endeavors, blogging regularly and I've even been offered an affiliate programme for a famous tiny house wood burning stove...

Just watch this space. This gal is going to bring some amazing US/Canada based tiny house products to the land down under ;)


have been more aware of negative internal dialogue and noticed that I have been generally acting with more confidence despite this. Resilience and inner worry still exist but slightly less debilitating.

I feel more willing to let go of old thinking and allow myself to be where I am. Old habits/thinking still persistent though and probably not helped by external stressors and dealing with residual illness which has meant my energy levels have been lower than usual.

Perhaps a positive sign is that even though my husband has been over in the UK for the past couple of weeks, I have not felt anywhere near as desperate as the last time he headed away. I don't mind solitude but had become aware that extended periods on my own were not helping with my mental state - this seems to have improved.

​RTT has certainly stirred up a few things and heightened my awareness on where I'm holding on to old unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour.


I started to notice the biggest shift going into the 3rd week, particularly with food and body image.  It just kind of clicked and I started being more mindful of what I was eating and taking the time to prepare things and eat properly.  Body image is shifting And I’m not as worried about hitting a certain number in weight as I was but more so ensuring I eat healthy, because really, I now don’t think the extra 5kg is going to make a lot of difference as I kept shifting the goal once I hit each one (I’m at the second goal from my original “goal weight”) And if it’s meant to come off, it will in time if I do the right things.  I did a big clothes clean out and things that used to fit me when I thought I was thin enough years ago, are now too big so that and buying new clothes in smaller sizes helped my mind realize I don’t actually “need” to loose more and eased the obsession to.  This in turn has helped build up some confidence as I’m feeling better in myself :)

​The session was a big help, I’m glad I finally listened to what was nudging me to you and took the plunge to do it!


So,  here are the events that have happened since:

I have resigned from my current role and am leaving the banking industry for good. I sat on a couch @ work a day before I did so and said.... "that's it - I am finally done here!" 

I have landed a new role and have found hope in doing something meaningful in the educational  space. In past,  I have watched everyone else move on and advance which made me feel worthless- I felt stuck. This time around I stopped making excused and just gave it a shot. 

I started running and did my first race For Good Friday Appeal bringing together a  team of  45 runners/walkers/joggers and donators raising  $2,700 for RCH. Never done anything like this. I've also asked for any farewell gifts(money)  from work to be redirected into my fundraising page - in the past I would have been  embarrassed to ask something like this.

I feel like this is working for me and I am so grateful for coming to see you- you have saved me😘😘!- I really thought I was losing my mind and there was no help for me. Last two weeks have been incredible in terms of my transformation.   

Thank you so much for getting me backl to my true self xx


In Nov 2018, I took a leap of faith and made an appointment with Fiona for a RTT session.  I wasn't sure that anyone would actually be able to help with my severe and debilitating anxiety issues, but was at the stage that I was willing to do anything to feel better.

I can now say with absolute certainty that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.   

It's now 6 months later and I've not had a single anxiety attack since that day.  

So to clarify, prior to seeing Fiona, Anxiety attacks were an almost daily issue.  I used to have trouble just going to the local shops, stopping at a set of traffic lights for anything more than a few minutes, or sitting in a waiting room were all overwhelming.  

I missed my son's Deb ball, his enlistment day into the defence force. I couldn't even walk the dog without issues and definitely couldn't drive outside my own local area.

Since seeing Fiona Ive driven interstate, been to my 40th high school reunion (I'd missed every one prior due to anxiety) been to my daughter's Deb, driven into the city (hadn't been able to go that for many years) and done so many other things I'd thought I would never be able to do.

So if you are having issues you would like to deal with once and for all and you feel drawn, do yourself a favour take a leap of faith and make that appointment.  For me, it truly was life changing.

Fiona,  I am so grateful that you took a leap of faith and followed your dreams, now after your help, I (and many others)can now follow mine.   Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou


Kindest regards



Fiona is an incredibly amazing healer and coach. She is absolutely phenomenal and I definitely recommend her. She has cleared years and generations of negative energy and emotions for me, guided me, helped me on my path, helped me to stand in my power and be my authentic self and for all of that, I’ll be forever grateful. Before working with Fiona, I felt so incredibly blocked, restricted, pretty unhappy and frustrated with myself and my life. Since our session, everything feels so right, good and easy and I feel so much happier, lighter, healed, whole and have absolutely wonderful and beautiful experiences and awakenings that I never thought was even possible. Thank you so much Fiona, you’ve truly changed my life 🙏


Immediate confidence and peace and an ability to be PRESENT.  I could hear and contribute to conversations, even just everyday conversations between the family on basics topics.  I was always trapped in my own head, in a state of unworthiness.  I LOVE hearing that I am loveable, worthy and enough.  To me that is very powerful.  I can't believe how my list of affirmations is SO perfect for me.  Each affirmation is meaningful for me and is something I was lacking and would like to achieve and I see them coming true on a daily basis.  I continually assess whether I am standing in my own power and being true to my affirmations and I can be pulled up by my family, kindly stating that what I have just said was blaming, reflect on that and hear it from their perspective and become aware that, yes, that was making a judgement that was unkind.


Gosh, hasn't time just flown. Our session already feels like months back....but the power of the change is as fresh in my mind as yesterday!!

I feel huge shifts in all the areas that we covered. There are times the feelings of fear or unworthiness surface but I am much stronger in

being able to shift the feeling without sinking into it like before.

What I do know and can feel it with all my heart is that we always seem to connect at the most perfect time and being able to go back like that into

past lives was a first for me and it was really profound. So thank you again Fiona. I will keep listening to the recording and keep working at it!

Oy my, what a journey it is for us all!


Emotionally I'm doing great. I had felt some peace and strengh, it feels like things are moving around in the good way, no anxiety, no fear, no stress... I felt really relaxed this week


Here’s how my life has changed since our session:


With regards to feeling deserving, I have only had 1, maybe 2 instances where I felt this creep back in (never during the 21 day period where I was listening everyday, only after). When I had a ping of that feeling I listened to your recording again and it was lessened tremendously.


I have been on track with healthy eating (down 7kg and counting) and have also decreased my alcohol intake to nearly zero. I attribute this to truly believing I deserve to be healthy and happy.


I have been yearning to discover the next step in my spiritual path that could generate an income. Since seeing you I have begun to read the Akashic Records for others and have jumped right in! Instead of shying away or asking myself “why me” or “do I deserve this” I chose to tell my friends about this new path I’m pursuing and the support has been incredible, in 2 weeks I will have conducted 12 readings for others! 


With regards to fertility, it’s early days to see if I’m pregnant yet but will keep you posted! I know I’m meant to be a mom so am trusting in divine timing (and will continue to listen to your recording).


Thank you thank you for the incredible session, it was instrumental in the forging this next period of my life, with confidence.


"Since my RTT transformation, I have definitely noticed a big change in the way I see, think and react to things in every day life that I know previously would have triggered off my anxiety BIG TIME. I have not had an anxiety attack, to date! I feel less stressed, I can make decisions without feeling guilty or overthinking and I don't put myself last anymore. I am able to verbally identify why I am feeling the way I am in that moment and help myself to move past and it won't bother me for the rest of the day. I am actually very proud of myself with all these new changes. I have never heard of RTT transformation before and so very glad that I invested that time in myself and tried it. 
Thank you Fiona :)"


I have noticed so many shifts and change.
The biggest change for me is my ability to truly say that ‘I love myself ‘, and say that ‘I AM worthy’ and really believe it.
That has helped in so many areas as of course you can imagine.
I can relate better to other people and I am confident about who I am.
I can see how the way I viewed myself , lack of self worth, unable to love myself etc led to me putting up with things and behaviour that I would not put up with again.

My confidence at work has grown and that In turn is helping with limiting beliefs around success.
I have realised my self worth all those emotions and insecurities have no power.
Your work is powerful and transformative and I am a new woman because of it !
Love and thanks, Fiona......

Angela x"


Fiona’s therapy has been life changing for me with only 1 session together. She is incredibly talented, authentic and compassionate. I felt safe opening up to her and even after traumatic events came up that I had suspected but never truly dealt with in 30+ years she knew how to help guide me through the emotions and to a place where healing could finally occur. She helped me understand why I’ve continuously gain and lost the same 20-25 lbs since I was young. The connection was one I would’ve never made on my own. I’ve lost 25 lbs since seeing her! Fiona has my highest recommendation, a visit to her is well worth the investment.


My greatest difficulty is that following on from my journey with you to reclaim my authentic self and find peace in my life, I can barely recall the state that I was in last year. But here goes.....


In 2019, I reached for the stars and applied for a job that I did not expect to get. However, the universe had other plans and to my surprise and excitement I landed the senior managers position. Outwardly I was excited and delighted however the job quickly exposed every crack in my being - self doubt; not being good enough; afraid to speak up; shouldering responsibilities that were not mine and being a people pleaser. This quickly put me in a space of fear and defensiveness; feeling alone and with no one to turn to. Leaving the job was not an option and so after following Fiona's page on facebook for several months, this was the impetus for me to make that phone call and I am so glad that I did. 


Working with Fiona for the three months was the greatest gift and investment that I have given myself. Fiona created a supportive and safe space where I was able to explore my fears and feelings of not being good enough. To see the mask that I was wearing and to understand the roots from which my fears, lack of trust, taking on responsibility for everyone around me and people pleasing came from. I was able to understand, forgive and rewrite those early memories in a way that has allowed me to move forwards in peace and calm and with boundaries. I am now able to be empathic towards the circumstances of those around me without feeling a connection or pull to their situation which would previously have me putting them first and supporting them. Now I listen without any connection to their issue. It is theirs and not mine. I have all care and no sense of responsibility which is so freeing.


last year my body was vibrating/shaking from the pressure of the mask that I wore. Now I have rediscovered and reclaimed my authentic self. My body is calm and peaceful as the mask is gone and it is safe to truly be seen. I no longer loose sleep and where I was experiencing work as a battle ground now this is a neutral space and I have a supportive team around me. I see my freedom in the every day and am acting upon a better plan for self care that sees my taking time out from work and family to do the things that make my soul sing.


I can not thank you enough Fiona for the way that you supported me to come home to myself. 



Deb 🙏

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© 2016-2024 by Fiona van Lochem


Butterfly Lane is located in Glenwood, QLD, Australia.

All services can be conducted in person, remotely or via Skype.

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