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Fiona van Lochem :)

A tale of courage and reflection, vulnerability and growth.




She lay with her ear to the earth and heard a thousand whispers stretching back a thousand generations through thousands of  lifetimes. Whispers that wove together an intricate pattern that formed the fabric of the foundations upon which she had grown.


The whispers sang like morning mist through the network of trees which stood in sisterhood, gently cradling the earth. The matriarch held secrets of wonder and magic deep within the soul of her bark and she gently passed these messages through the song lines of the earth until every tree sang in harmony.


In that moment of stillness, just beyond the sound of her heartbeat, she heard. For the first time, she heard. Mothers calling for children lost. Sisters crying for wrongs bestowed upon them. She heard screams of anger and anguish, heartbreak and loss. She heard knowledge and wisdom trampled beneath egos and arrogance. She heard dreams crack and fade and memories dissolve into nothing.


She broke open and cried a thousand tears for the thousands of losses, reaching back along song lines to the matriarch until her soul called out for stillness.

She lay spent upon the earth soddened with her tears as the earth rocked and soothed her bruised heart.


Tired and bereft she pushed it away. Sinking into the ache of her heart she curled into a ball until the sky danced with stars and the moonlight stroked her hair. She wrapped herself around her heart and refused to see the beauty that unfolded around her. Determined to hold onto the pain, she closed herself to the whispers. The song lines faded from her knowing until it was but a dream.


The shrill of her alarm woke her from slumber and tendrils of memories-past dissolved and faded away. She stepped out into her busy world of schedules and doing and lost herself in the existence of modern life.


Her days were busy and full, she felt the urge to do more, be more, want more. Pushing and shoving her way through her modern life she attempted  to fulfil the happiness that called for her. It always felt just out of reach so she strived a little harder. Her body ached and her mind was restless so she lived for the weekends, the designer bag she was saving for and her next big holiday. Yet they all came and went and her happiness eluded her.


Her restlessness became her. It sank into the food she ate, the entertainment she enjoyed and the relationships she nurtured. The edges frayed and the fabric of her life slowly unravelled.


Each moment a thread broke away she felt a shift. Subtle nuances of change stirred beneath her feet as she continued to hold on to schedules and weekend longings. She pushed back. Harder and faster. Doing more. Asking more of herself. Never resting or reflecting – just being, doing.


Just beneath the frayed fabric lingered a whisper. So still, so small, barely audible, hardly visible. It weaved and formed a safety net beneath her heavy heart, waiting patiently.

A silent sentinel, the matriarchal tree stirred. She felt the drawing to a close a chapter of a life and she was ready. In that moment, the fabric broke and the heaviness spilled from the heart of she who had wet the earth with her tears. Her world crumbled and she could no longer deny the longing of her soul. Song lines roused and the music rose. She split open and the heaviness drained from her heart. Darkness seeped away making way for light to enter. She caught her breath and in an instant her grief showed her what she had searched for. For she finally heard.


The whispers caressed her soul with her inner strength and wisdom. They told her of her courage and knowledge and placed their kindness in the seat of her loathing and self-criticism. They weaved a new fabric for her soul as it awakened to the truth of who she was, her worth and magic tied together in the realisation that she was enough, had always been so.


She saw a thousand faces reflected back at her. Those who had gone before her, who carried the burden of shame and guilt upon their shoulders. She touched time  with the echo of her heart and liberated generations and generations from shackles of invisibility, servitude, smallness and deferment. She released fear of rejection and judgement and laid to rest her perceived unlovability.


She reached out to the matriarch and saw herself within the soul of all who passed before her and she knew who she was.

She was awakened.

Raw and vulnerable, she sighed with contentment.

She awakened to her soul and life finally began.

She heard.

And she knew.






Fiona van Lochem is a Transformational Coach & Healer who empowers women to reach deep within to find the truth of their soul and walk with reverence and courage. She encourages worthiness and strength through her teachings, coaching and healing and reminds all women that they are the source of their own power and  how to find it. Using energy healing, hypnosis and coaching her various 1:1 programs offer women an entry point no matter where they are on their journey. Her Soul Awakening program encourages women to step into the arena of their life and co- create a world of magic and dream realisation, alchemise their  fears and doubts into confidence, strength, vivacity and fortitude.











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© 2016-2024 by Fiona van Lochem


Butterfly Lane is located in Glenwood, QLD, Australia.

All services can be conducted in person, remotely or via Skype.

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